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How to Verify a Professional's License in Fontana?

Professionals intending to offer their services in Fontana are generally required to obtain a license from the appropriate licensing agency and comply with relevant city-level requirements. At the state level, the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) licenses professionals across California across more than 280 license types. Locally, Fontana also requires professionals who intend to offer their services within city limits to register their business with the city's Customer Service Department (CSD). To verify a state-issued professional license, residents can use the DCA license search portal. Also, to verify a professional's city-level business registration, residents can contact the city's CSD at (909) 350-7675 or use the city's business search portal.

Besides any licensing or registration requirements, Fontana has additional regulatory requirements that certain professionals must comply with before performing specific jobs. For example, construction professionals are required to obtain relevant building permits before performing any building-related job. Building-related permits are issued by the city's Building and Safety Department, and information or queries regarding these permits can be directed to the department at (909) 350-7640.

California Contractor License Search:

Do Fontana Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

Fontana has four districts, and every neighborhood in the city is organized under one of these districts. To find out what district your neighborhood falls under, you can check the city's district map. The city is governed locally by a City Council, which comprises the City Mayor and representatives from each district. In governing the city's affairs, the Fontana City Council develops and adopts laws, policies, and regulatory directives in collaboration with various local departments to ensure the city's progress. However, the City Council does not issue home improvement or construction permits.

While the City Council does not issue permits, it continues developing and executing plans intended for the city's progress. For example, in November 2020, the City Council approved three warehouse construction projects and the construction of multi-unit condominiums in separate parts of the city. Although some residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with these approved constructions, the City Council maintains that the construction is for the city's economic progress and overall benefit. Also, in June 2021, the City Council announced it would fund a new dog park in the southern area of the city. The City Council also implored interested members of the public to share their comments regarding the necessity or success of this dog park funding plan at the next workshop meeting of the Fontana Parks Community and Human Services Commission.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Fontana?

The Consumer Protection Unit (CPU) of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office receives and oversees the investigation and prosecution of unfair business complaints in Fontana. You can contact the CPU through the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office at (909)382-3800. Alternatively, complaints can be filed directly with the state agency regulating the professional. For instance, you can file a complaint regarding a contractor with the Contractor State Licensing Board at (800) 321-2752. For general assistance on filing consumer complaints or when the contractor's actions are criminal, you can contact the Fontana Police Department at (909) 350-7740.

Instances of unfair business practices or unethical actions of a professional filed with a public agency are usually investigated in the public's interest. Therefore, your personal reimbursement is not guaranteed. If you seek to receive reimbursement from a professional, you should hire the services of a qualified attorney for legal advice and begin civil proceedings against the professional. Civil suits for claims below $10,000 are usually initiated at the Small Claims Division of the Superior Court of California, Fontana District.