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How to Verify a Professional's License in Pueblo?

Persons and businesses offering certain services within Pueblo are required to obtain licenses relating to such services. These regulated professions, including architecture, building construction, accountancy, and land surveying, may be licensed at the state, local, or both levels. The Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations regulates and licenses over 50 professions at the state level. In contrast, the Pueblo Regional Building Department licenses several professionals, including builders and mechanical contractors at the city level, while professionals like plumbers and electricians require both state and local licenses. To verify a state-issued license, use the Verify a Colorado Professional or Business License page on the Division of Professions and Occupations website. Likewise, you can lookup city-level licenses and registration by using the Search for Contractors Portal provided by the Pueblo Regional Building Department.

Besides confirming that the professionals you hire are licensed, ensure that relevant permits are obtained if the service you are hiring for is construction-related. Depending on the scope of the project, you may be required to obtain either building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits, and some projects may even require more than one type of permit. For guidance on obtaining permits required for your project, contact the Pueblo Regional Building Department by calling (719) 543-0002, faxing (719) 543-0062, or visiting

  • 830 North Main Street
    Pueblo, CO 81003
Colorado Contractor License Search:

Do Pueblo Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

Pueblo City consists of four council districts that have elected representatives on the City's Council. The City Council has a wide range of powers, including making and amending the city codes, creating new departments and offices, and contracting on behalf of the city. The Council however, does not issue construction permits. Instead, it performs other construction-related functions, such as approving city improvement projects. For example, the Council approved the City Center Drive and Santa Fe Avenue streetscape project. The project, which is expected to be concluded by late 2021, focuses on aesthetic improvements to the eastside of Santa Fe Avenue and enhancing the streetscape of the main intersection in Downtown Pueblo. Similarly, the City embarked on the Gateway Plaza Project, linking the Pueblo Riverwalk, the new Convention Center Expansion, and the PBR Sport Performance Center. The project included extensive landscaping and lighting improvements, storm sewer upgrades, and a water quality improvement. Construction spanned through October 2018 and the end of summer, 2019. You can check the Council District Map to discover which Pueblo council district you reside in.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Pueblo?

Pueblo residents can file complaints against deceptive professionals by contacting the 10th Judicial District Attorney either by calling (719) 583-6030, faxing complaints to (719) 583-6666, or visiting

  • District Attorney
  • 701 Court Street
  • Pueblo, CO 81003

Similar complaints can also be made by completing the online complaint form provided by the Office of the Colorado Attorney General or calling (720) 508-6000. However, it would be appropriate to forward complaints that include allegations of crimes to the Pueblo Police Department by calling (719) 553-2420 or via email.

Note that once verified, your complaint may lead to disciplinary actions against the professional complained of. However, compensation for the losses occasioned by the professional's deceptive practices is not guaranteed. As such, complainants should also explore the option of instituting an action for damages against the professional. Such a proceeding will usually fall within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Division of the Pueblo County Court, whose authority extends to civil suits where the amount claimed is $7,500 or less.