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How to Verify a Professional's License in Brownsville?

Before professionals can render their services to residents of Brownsville City, they must first satisfy the city's licensing requirements and abide by the city's occupational regulations. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation licenses several Brownsville City professionals across over 30 license programs. However, Brownsville City specifically requires some professionals in the construction industry, such as general contractors and plumbers, to register with the city's Department of Planning and Redevelopment (DPR). To confirm a professional's license, you can use the TDLR active license search portal or contact the TDLR at (512) 463-6599. To also confirm if a construction contractor is registered in the city, you can contact the city's DPR at (956) 548-6150.

Additionally, Brownsville requires specific professionals to comply with certain occupational regulations before performing some jobs within city limits. For instance, construction contractors are required to obtain one or more permits from the city's Department of Planning and Redevelopment before commencing any commercial construction in the city. Queries regarding these permits can also be directed to this department at (956) 548-6150.

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Do Brownsville Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

There are several neighborhoods in Brownsville, all of which are sorted into four districts. The city is governed by a City Commission, which comprises the City Mayor, elected representatives of each district, and two elected representatives at large. Residents can check their neighborhood's district and the city's district arrangement through the city's electoral districts map. Although the City Commission manages the city's affairs, it does not issue construction or home improvement permits. However, it generally develops and executes plans for the city's public development. For example, in July 2021, the City Commission approved the allocation of funds from the American Rescue Plan to finance public initiatives such as improving the city's broadband and wastewater infrastructure. Also, in September 2021, the City Commission announced it would hold workshops on residential parking in the city, and it may introduce changes to the city's parking ordinance at these workshops. Interested residents can watch the workshop by attending the next City Commission meeting or by watching previous City Commission meetings where the workshop was organized. The notices and links for recorded and upcoming City Commission meetings can be found on the city's Agenda and Minutes webpage. For assistance in accessing the minutes or recordings of City Commission meetings, residents can contact the City Secretary's Office at (956) 548-6042.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Brownsville?

Brownsville has a Citizens Service Desk (CSD) that residents can contact to make inquiries regarding city services. To file a consumer or unfair business complaint in Brownsville, you can contact the city's CSD at (956) 546-HELP(4357) and make inquiries on the processes for doing so. You can also file a consumer complaint against a professional or business with the Consumer Protection Division of the Texas Attorney General Office, either online or by mail. For mail filings, you must first obtain a downloadable complaint form in English or Spanish and mail the completed form to

  • Office of the Attorney General
  • Consumer Protection Division
  • P.O. Box 12548
  • Austin, TX 78711-2548

If the business's or professional's conduct is illegal, you can also file a separate complaint with the Brownsville Police Department by contacting (956) 548-7000 for assistance.

However, filing a complaint against a business or professional does not entitle you to reimbursement for inconveniences caused by the business's or professional's unethical conduct. For your reimbursement, you can sue the business or professional at an appropriate court. Although it is recommended that you consult a qualified attorney for advice on the appropriate legal steps, you can sue the business or professional at the Cameron County Justice of the Peace Court, Precinct 2, 1-3 without an attorney. However, it is important to note that these courts only have jurisdiction over civil cases with a maximum claim of $10,000.